The Journey Begins – Discovering Your Why Behind Starting at All

Starting a business is an exciting yet daunting journey. It requires hard work, dedication, and the courage to not only go out on your own but to keep doing it – day in and day out – when others tell you you can’t, you’re not good enough, it’s been done before, on and on ad nauseam.

But what is it that fuels you?

Every venture I was a part of, of course, filled some perceived need, the core tenet of any business. But I also knew I could and would do it better than the next guy. My two largest companies I started relatively unwillingly. Side projects that the “market”, ie: my circle, repeatedly said I needed to offer to the world.

But that’s not your why…

The “why” was different for them all, but I never swayed from my core values when deciding to take the next step. My why and my values will look very different from yours. What’s important is that you identify them. On paper. To be reviewed. Often.

It goes nearly without saying that every entrepreneur needs to find their why and purpose in life and business. It is not only a matter of personal fulfillment but also essential to the success of your venture.

More on this tomorrow. Thanks for being here.

See you on the journey…

Why I Coach Entrepreneurs
Different Lips for Different Ears

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